
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Patriot Day

I want to take a moment to thank all of those rescue workers who selflessly risked their lives to save their fellow Americans. I especially want to thank those rescue workers who fled to NYC to save lives and where left without medical care.

While my blog is generally dedicated to chronic pain patients as a whole, but today I'd like to remind everyone that many of our heroes (from 9/11, the War in Afghanistan, and the War in Iraq) are needlessly suffering because the VA is instituting no opioids policies at many of their hospitals and even the few who can afford private practice physicians are finding that doctors who prescribe opioids are harder and harder find.

My best friend is an ex-cop, "ex" Marine who is without pain management after an IED took his eyes and left him with shrapnel around his spine. Without notice, his doctors dropped him and left him without pain relief, which has resulted in countless emergency room visits, intensive care admissions, and hospital visits. He's had organs shut down from untreated IP. And I know he's not the only one. If we can't give our heroes relief, what chance do the rest of us stand?
