My Story: Walgreens is Ruining My Life - National Pain Report
Okay, so I got a little carried sweaty with my comment, but that's no reason not to share it with you guys!
This is all part of the DEA's war on doctors and war on patients. Drug dealers aren't easy to go after and they fight back. Doctors have plenty of non-hidden resources and admit they dispensed the meds. The DEA is made up of a bunch of cops who are too ignorant to acknowledge their own medical ignorance who can't tell the difference between medical practice (which they are expressly forbidden from governing under the constitution- legitimate medical practice is exclusively governed by the states) and pill mills. Unfortunately, the DEA is left to determine what is legitimate medical practice with no medical training and AUSA (Assistant US Attorneys) have been know to later bribe "medical experts" up to $40,000 to say that the accused doctors are out of bounds.
Even if a doctor wins their case, they end up hundreds of thousands of dollars (easily $750,000) in the hole with NO MEANS TO REPAY THAT DEBT because they lose their medical licenses automatically.
Our entire legal system is BROKEN! The accused are GUILTY UNLESS PROVEN INNOCENT, instead of INNOCENT UNTIL & UNLESS PROVEN GUILTY. That's a big problem, but it can be fixed in pieces. For example, doctors should be judged by THEIR PEERS, OTHER DOCTORS, not cops. The DEA should have NO POWER over medical practice and allegations of overprescribing should be handled by state boards with criminal charges being decided by state DAs and this should be ONLY AFTER there medical board determined that their actions were outside of the scope of medical practice.
Doctors must stand up against the DEA's tyranny and we must stand up for our doctors. Enough of the DEA's games, enough of the scapegoats, enough of the lies from doctors, from pharmacists, from drug companies, and ENOUGH of the DEA's lies.
Knowledge is POWER and the DEA knows that and that is why they spread their propaganda. We must counter their lies with smart, level headed rebuttals. Statistics are powerful and we must remember to use specific statistics and clinical trial results because, while our individual stories are powerful, large trials sway opinion faster. Everyone who is comfortable doing so should call their local news stations and encourage them to do stories about the suffering of CP/IP (chronic pain/intractable pain) patients as a whole AND about our individual struggles. We must rebut the DEA's "Opioid Epidemic" and reminds the nation, and the world, that the true epidemic is underprescribing and undertreatment. The 'Epidemic of Undertreatment' is a threat to our national and economic security.
Our comments here are a start, but I encourage all of you to branch out beyond the CP/IP world. Post this and every other article and opinion publicly on your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and every other site. Branch out beyond the internet (if you are able). Write to your elected officials, medical boards, medical societies, and anyone else who might listen.
Above all else, STOP BITING YOUR TONGUE WHEN YOU'RE LIED TO!!! When your doctor says that there is a "new law" causing him/her to reduce your meds, instead of admitting his/her cowardice, POLITELY inform him/her that you mean no disrespect and are not arguing with his/her decision, but there are no new laws governing prescriptions, however you understand that the DEA has been overly aggressive. You stop the lies, build a report (silent 'T'), and it can cause your doctor to consider more adequate prescribing because you can build trust through honesty.
Although I worded this all as "directions", I mean it all as suggestions and I hope that you all can understand my passion for this subject and not hold my wording against me.
If anyone knows of any articles or studies that I can add to in order to represent what chronic pain is really like for patients, physicians, pharmacists, nurses, caregivers, physician extenders, family members, etcetera, please email a link to me. I'm also working on a less personal site, essentially an encyclopedia of chronic/intractable pain. Any articles for that site are also welcome.
IntractablePainKills at