My wife and I had our quarterly checkup with our PCP Wednesday night. As some of you know, my wife and I are under-medicated because of a number of factors, including Opiophobia, the semi-recent increase in the War on Drugs, and the fact that our PCP also does Suboxone (treats addicts).
Our PCP still refuses to increase our Duragesic. My wife was switched from OxyIR to oxymorphone, after months of requiring that multiple doses of OxyIR 30mg. He wasn't as stingy as when he put me on oxymorphone, but her pain is finally diagnosed (EDS, type 1 & 2), but he still a bit stingy.
After 7-9 months of begging for an increase, he finally increased my oxymorphone again. It's still nothing collapsedl compared to the Actiq that he refuses to prescribe since he's started doing buprenorphine/naloxone treatments (generic Suboxone and Suboxone film, mainly the film according top the literature the drug reps litter the office with). That is also why he refuses to use methadone for pain management.
Wow, off-topic, sorry. Still waiting on insurance approval, fingers crossed that we get approved and that these help.