As you may have noticed, I haven't been posting a lot of personal information lately. I've been stretched a little thin and my family comes first. Unfortunately, that means that my blog has been conning second. Aside from when I was sick, I've been extremely careful not to completely abandon this blog because many people have told me that they've benefited from my experience and knowledge. Unfortunately, the easiest posts are links to useful information, which I've been making heavy use of.
Since moving to a healthier home and experiencing a reduction in stress, my pain has been much easier to manage. Although my pain rarely drops below 5/10 (averaging 6-7/10 & still experiencing flares of 10/10), I've been much more active. In the past 48 hours, I've taken my daughter to two parks, played Frisbee, and played Wii Sports Golf, Bowling, & Baseball. I was exhausted by the time that I went to bed last night, but it was so worth it!
I'm still not able to go back to work or college yet, but I'm once again able to fully care for my daughter, including running around the park & playing Frisbee.
The pain in my legs last night made me miss the relief that methadone (not to mention Actiq/fentanyl lozenges & intrathecal morphine gave me. Thankfully, I've been able to recover amazingly with a single night sleep.