For those who don't know, I live in Pennsylvania, a very un-friendly state when it comes to pain control (can't find a pain doc to manage an intrathecal pump and we have no medical cannabis).
Anyway, it's raining today and my pain is flaring. What many people do not know is that it is not the rain that caused flare ups (at least not for me, or my wife). If it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, I would be fine days 3-39 (days 1, 2, 40, & 41 would be the issue). For me, the changes in the weather (& barometric pressure) are the issue. Every time it rains, I get hit twice, once when the storm system rolls in and again when the storm system rolls back out. This double whammy makes me loathe Pennsylvania's weather.
I've also read that some parts of the country are experiencing extreme weather (tornadoes). To all of them, I wish you good luck & safety.
I would love to read about your various experiences with the weather, including extreme weather conditions. Please leave any stories in the comment section.