It's 10am my time and I'm officially giving up on sleep. I miss the days when I could sleep for more than 2-3 hours at a time, not that I've ever been able to sleep when I want. My insomnia started when I was still in a crib, it's my first memory. Of course, my insomnia only got worse as my pain worsened. I developed childhood Fibromyalgia and then brain cancer. The brain cancer caused severe migraine-like headaches and worsening pain... all of which has worsened my insomnia (which worsens pain) to the point where 4mg of lorazepam AND 8mg of Rozerem don't help me get to sleep without the additional help of 2-3 4mg tizanidine/Zanaflex. It shouldn't take six pills to get to sleep! Worse yet, it only gets me a few hours.